Blake Shelton Adds “Money” to His Bank of New Tunes [Listen]

Blake Shelton Adds “Money” to His Bank of New Tunes [Listen]

T minus one day until Blake Shelton drops his new studio album, Texoma Shore, on Nov. 3.

Blake has already given fans a taste of three songs from the new album: “I’ll Name the Dogs,” “At the House” and “Turnin’ Me On.”

Blake is keeping the partying going today (Nov. 2) with the release of the fun-loving tune, “Money,” which was penned by Craig Wiseman, James Bailey and Ryan Ogren.

“This is one of those songs that’s just fun,” said Blake. “It’s meant to be fun, it’s ridiculous and it’s Craig Wiseman at his best. This is one of those songs that I’m just thankful that, for whatever reason, Craig [sent to me]. He always sends me a gem over for each one of my albums, and this song I think is special. It has the potential to be remembered for a very, very long time.”

Listen to “Money” below.

photo by Jim Casey

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